Starting a project like a blog is hard. It's time-consuming. It's sometimes hard to write. And you may not be rewarded or noticed in any way. You may be wondering at this point, "if it's so much trouble,why do you do it?".The answer is, it's something I've wanted to do for a very long time, and for many other reasons.
This past year,I took it upon myself to keep tabs on what was on television throughout the season. I did this by recording my observations and reviews in a log that I kept for eight months. It wasn't easy at times,the long hiatuses,the bad episodes,the threat of cancellation. A lot of times,I just wanted to give up. But I stuck with it,and I'm very happy that I did. Because of which, I am going to continue this coming season.
It wasn't just the TV thing that made me want to start blogging. I wanted to make a difference by sharing my thoughts and opinions with the entire world. I sort of hoped, naively, that I might make the national news for breaking a story of monumental importance. Now I realize I might have set my expectations just a bit too high. But that's okay. I can still do important work,and not to mention, I am now a published author.
Another thing, I have been watching the world and how it works for the past several years. What I have learned is absolutely horrifying. I can't remain silent when so many bad things are happening. Even if my reporting doesn't change anything, at least my conscience will be cleared.
Also, the title doesn't refer to my physical condition. The title refers to the novel by Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea. It's about the existential angst that comes from enlightenment of self and of the world. And since I am an "observer", the title was obvious.
You may not agree with some of the things I say, I may not agree with some of the things you think either, but everything I write is completely honest and I mean every word. Sincerely,Observer.